Puli Space Technologies

Small Step ClubPuli Space Small Step Club


Why the Puli?

We have asked the above question from our supporters. Here are the first answers from our planned series that we received from two renowned Hungarians, an economist and a businessman.

Why the Puli?

I am Attila Chikán, and as a professor and leader of civilian and economic organizations, I feel personally responsible for the development of the country and I try to find grassroots movements that drive this development, lead the way and show us the power of collaboration. The Puli Space project promises that in many ways. On one hand, it's pure innovation, pushing the boundaries beyond even our wildest dreams: space travel and landing on the Moon. On the other hand, such a project has many more advantages: delivering an important message of the future through education: the importance of space sciences. And developments in technology could advance our lives in every aspect, from medicine to software development or engineering. For me, this project is about to dare to dream big and to do about it: many tell and know that the know-how is present in this small country. Here is the opportunity to prove it.

I wish with all of my heart good luck, many supporters and even more enthusiastic members for the Puli! To the Moon!

Attila Chikán

The Puli project is a Hungaricum.
Like the Makó onion.
It has many layers.

The middle is pure innovation, a whole quarry of technology improvements.

The layer above consists of the enthusiastic team who cares about and helps the project. They're building a dream unseen in this country in decades. Amateurs and professionals, experts and supporters working together.

The outer layer is the Hungarian society. One of the goals of the Puli could be to bring our nation together. Thanks to this dreamlike mission – Puli to the Moon! – which is unassailable, inspirational and clear. When was the last time for such noble cooperation?

I wish good luck for the Puli with all my heart, and unlimited enthusiasm for their supporters!

Dr. Sándor Kürti


Dr. Attila Chikán is a Hungarian economist and university professor. He graduated at the Corvinus University of Budapest (then Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences) in 1967. He was the founding principal of the Rajk László College for Advanced Studies in 1970. He was the head of the Business Economics Department at the Corvinus University of Budapest from 1989 to 1998. He was the Minister of Economy in Hungary between 1998-1999, and the Rector of the Corvinus University between 2000-2003. He is a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. He was awarded with the Pázmány Péter award in 2000 and decorated with the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic (civilian division) in 2006.

Dr. Sándor Kürti is a Hungarian businessman and engineer. He graduated in 1971 from the University of Veszprém (Hungary) at the Faculty of Chemistry Process Automation. He worked for the Danubian Oil Refinery until 1985. In 1989 he founded KÜRT Computer Ltd. The company started with hard disk repair technologies, pioneered the field of data recovery and today also handles IT security technology and methodology. He was awarded with the Kalmár László Award for the data recovery technology in 1995, with the International Dennis Gabor Award in 1998 and he was Information Technology Manager of the Year in 1997 and 1998. In 2004 he was decorated with the Széchenyi Prize for his accomplishments and in 2005 he was given the Ernst & Young “Entrepreneur Of The Year 2004” international business award.


Image sources:

1.) Corvinus University

2.) Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Last Updated (Friday, 30 March 2012 15:33)

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