Puli Space Technologies

Small Step ClubPuli Space Small Step Club


Roadside Picnic

The determined Team Puli Space did not panic when a rainy Saturday was forecasted for the team picnic.

On the gloomy morning of May 30, 2011, team members and family members arrived in the Big Field of Hűvösvölgy to a roadside picnic. Unfortunately, we did not detect strange phenomena and artefacts, so we had to conclude that no other aliens were there. (Uninformed readers should read about the true origin of the Hungarians ;-))

Preparations for cooking in the stewpot in the wet weather then began with an ancient method: with lots of patience and no matches (yes, You are right: it was flintstone and steel). Soon after, we could feel the delicious aromas of wobbling paprika potatoes with meat.

It started raining, the air is cooled down a bit and everyone put on what they found to keep warm, or stayed by the fire, where apples and sausages were roasting on skewers.

Roasting apples
Roasting apples. Photo: Tamás Kerékgyártó

The TevePuli demo rover was with us climbing the mounds and dips of the field, and the weather conditions could not discourage us from building and flying a kite. The kite made of golden foil, true to the mission of Puli in space, flew a nice trajectory, despite of adverse wind conditions.

Roasting apples

Kite flight preparations. Photo: Tamás Kerékgyártó

The picnic was just a good opportunity to meet new team members, to do some team building, to discuss issues, and simply perfect for a relaxing weekend activity.

Anett Krammer

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