Puli Space Technologies

Small Step ClubPuli Space Small Step Club


Know the dog!

The puli dog breed is the namesake of our team and the company. Get to know it better!

The puli is an ancient Hungarian herding and livestock-guarding dog, revered for its extraordinary intelligence, obedience and playful temperament. Its unique appearance makes it easily distinguishable from any other dog type.

It's got the look

A puli tackling an obstacle

The puli owes its distinctive appearance to its long, corded coat. The usually black coat starts forming dreadlock-like cords at an early age and grows throughout the entire lifetime, reaching down to the ground after a few years. The long uppercoat hides a soft undercoat providing superior insulation and keeping the dog virtually waterproof. Contrary to popular belief, the long fur does not hinder the animal's vision or movement: a puli is very agile and is always completely aware of its surroundings. Despite the small stature with a height of 40-45cm the puli successfully keeps enemies at bay and is always on the move.

It's got the brains

The puli ranks as the 27th most intelligent dog breed and combined with its focused and attent temperament makes an excellent working dog. It has been a valued sheep dog for more than a millenia, some herders giving as much as their yearly income for a chosen puppy. The puli has a natural instinct for guarding his family and can easily be trained to do complex tasks. The dog excels even when controlling large herds of livestock and is also used as a police dog.

Image credit:  http://www.free-extras.com/images/puli-13097.htm

Last Updated (Sunday, 13 February 2011 20:27)

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